
Worshipping Jesus

I’ve just finished Did the First Christians Worship Jesus?: The New Testament Evidence by James Dunn. To be honest, it’s not a book that would have been top of my reading list, but I was in a bookshop (this one) and I had some book tokens… Well, you know how it is! There are a […]


Mission Partnerships: The Harsher Reality

In my last post, I commented on Krish Kandiah’s blog post; Mission Partnerships the Harsh Reality. This is an excellent and thought provoking paper which is also included in the Lausanne Global Conversation and I recommend that you read it.  However, on reading what he wrote, I found myself thinking that Krish had missed out […]

Translation and Mission

Bible Translation: A Model for Partnership

In a recent post, Krish Kandiah has raised some interesting questions about the difficulties involved in mission partnerships. Krish closes his post with the following challenge: So I pose a challenge: who can you partner with today? I would love to begin a viral trail of stories of small and significant partnerships that instead of […]

Church: World Reviews

Kingdom Without Borders

Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity by Mirian Adeney is an absolute cracking book and one that everyone interested in the development of the Church around the world must read. It isn’t a book about statistics, graphs and projections; it is simply a book of stories. Sometimes books of this sort can […]


John MBiti on Bible Translation

Ben has a long post based on notes that he took while listening to Kenyan theologian and author John MBitit. There is lots of good stuff in here, but I’ll just give one key quote. Now, Bible translation have landed the Scriptures into more and more local languages. This enables the people to hear the […]

Do Not Use

Listen to the Patois Bible

I have commented on the translation of the Bible into Jamaican Patois on a number of occasions (here, here and here, for example).  The project is making good progress and the Gospel of Luke has been published and is now available in an audio version. The project was discussed on the prestigious Radio 4 Today […]


The Wedding at Cana

Let’s just think about what happened for a moment. Jesus was at a wedding. This wasn’t a genteel, refined high-society event; it was a rowdy, boisterous fun-filled celebration. People were enjoying themselves so much that they finished off all of the booze long before the party was over. As for Jesus, he was at the […]

Do Not Use

Bible Translation and Chocolate

I love this children’s talk from Lansdowne Baptist Church in Bournemouth.  Sue and I used to attend Lansdowne when were students at Bible College 25 years ago. It was great to be back there last weekend to celebrate the work of one of our Wycliffe Colleagues, Brigitte. An extra bonus was that my mate Dave […]

Do Not Use

God Doesn’t Need You!

I love this cartoon from ASBO Jesus. It captures a profound truth that lies behind all of our dealings with God. He did not create us because he was somehow incomplete and needed humanity. He created us because he is a loving God and wanted to love and bless us. Likewise, he does not need […]

Do Not Use

Reading Our Language to Our People

I love this short video from the Denya language area in Cameroon from the Seed Company.