
I am Eddie and Blogging has Changed My Life

Bruce has tagged me with a meme about the way in which blogging has changed my life. The rules are:

1. Write about 5 specific ways blogging has affected you, either positively or negatively.

2. Link back to the person who tagged you.

3. Link back to L.L. Barkat who created the meme. (He is not so much interested in generating links, but rather in tracking the meme so she can perhaps do a summary post later on that looks at patterns and interesting discoveries.)

4. Tag a few friends or five, or none at all

5. Post these rules — or just have fun breaking them

How Blogging Changed Me!

Rather mundanely, it has made it far easier to maintain this website. It used to be a rather static thing put together using MS Frontpage. I tried to change it fairly often, but it was always a mammoth job. I’m often asked how long I spend blogging and the answer is that it now takes less time than it used to – and I can do far more. Long live WordPress!

Blogging has made it easier to keep in contact with friends. We’ve spent much of our lives as nomads and we have friends all over the world and this blog (and their blogs) make contact easier. However, Facebook has more or less taken over this function as far more of our friends use it than use blogs.

Blogging has introduced me to lots of new people who have become a part of my life, though we have never met outside of the interweb.

Blogging is by its nature ephemeral; but every now and then I read a blog post which makes a deep impression and causes me to re-evaluate my ideas.

Our Amazon shop and wishlist have provided us with some small amounts of money and the odd book or too, but this doesn’t go anywhere near covering the costs of all of the good books that I’ve bought because I read reviews on some blog or other.

In the spirit of the meme, I tag: Rob, Nora, and Ben.

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