
An Ipod for Christmas

OK, it wasn’t much of a hiatus, but this will be a short post. I suspect that quite a few people are hoping to receive an MP3 player of some sort for Christmas. Well here is a chance to get an MP3 player for someone else…

In many places around the world MP3 players are used as a way of making the Scriptures available for people who can’t read. Solar powered or wind up players come prerecorded with the Bible in minority languages and can be shared around or listened to by groups – it’s a very exciting way of getting the Scriptures out. Read this story if you want to know more.

If you like the idea of making the Bible available on MP3, you might like to contribute to Wycliffe UK’s Christmas appeal which is seeking to raise £15,000 to provide audio Scriptures in four languages around the world. If you can’t help, please spread this link around to your friends and families. Wycliffe’s Chrsitmas Appeal.