Church: UK

Mission To The Whole of Society

One of Bishop John V. Taylor’s legacies to the Church is his book The Go-Between God (1972). The opening words are: “The chief actor in the historic mission of the Christian Church is the Holy Spirit.”

It is a powerful reminder not to be seduced by such phrases as “The responsibility is ours”, confusing divine initiative with human endeavour, and to challenge the materialism, insidious secularisation and fascination with shallow celebrity. This is God’s world and His work. Just as the Holy Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness, the Holy Spirit drives us into the world. Lent concludes on Maundy Thursday with the Gospel reading of Jesus washing the Disciples’ feet — the ultimate picture of power being manifested in service, self-giving and love. (Read the whole Times article).

Thanks To Dan for pointing this out (you should get a blog!)