Mission Observations

A Common Call to Mission

I’ve read quite a lot about Cape Town Commitment which emerged from the third Lausanne Congress this autumn, but I have seen far less ink spilled over the Common Call to Mission, which was produced at the Edinburgh 2010 Conference. If you are interested in mission history and theology, it is well worth casting an eye over the Common Call. There is a good deal here which is challenging, though not everyone will be comfortable with the language used.

  1. Trusting in the Triune God and with a renewed sense of urgency, we are called to incarnate and proclaim the good news of salvation, of forgiveness of sin, of life in abundance, and of liberation for all poor and oppressed. We are challenged to witness and evangelism in such a way that we are a living demonstration of the love, righteousness and justice that God intends for the whole world.
  2. Remembering Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross and his resurrection for the world’s salvation, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to authentic dialogue, respectful engagement and humble witness among people of other faiths – and no faith – to the uniqueness of Christ. Our approach is marked with bold confidence in the gospel message; it builds friendship, seeks reconciliation and practises hospitality.