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Bible and Mission Links II

I’m not sure where I came across the link to this, but David Rattigan has an amazing set of New Testament exam questions. Readers of Sellers and Yeatman will recognise the style. Here are a couple of examples.

2. Who did what, to whom, and in what year? Explain your answer.

3. Discuss, in no more than 2000 words, nothing in particular, with reference to anything you like.

ABC has an excellent new site devoted to the King James Version. There is an awful lot to explore here and it is worth giving some time to it.

Last month, Wheaton College held a conference on Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective. All of the papers are now available as both video and audio downloads. The speakers include such luminaries as Andrew Walls and Lamin Sanneh. I can’t imagine a reason not to get hold of these talks.

Mark Woodward posted an excellent piece on the Son of God translation controversy (I have to declare an interest in this post as you will see if you read it).

Lastly, Clayboy (among others) highlighted this excellent guide to English as she is spoken and understood: