
Missional Preaching

One of the best articles I’ve seen on preaching in a long while comes from Brian’s blog. Here are a couple of extracts to whet your appetite.

The communicator in missional preaching stands between the Church and World. This is the point of missional engagement. The God of mission is always moving toward the world on mission. It is only in the borderlands that the Word is truly unleashed for both insiders and outsiders. The Word calls from the borderland to the people of God to draw them toward the borderland in order to participate fully in God’s mission. The Word calls to the World to draw them toward the people of God in order to find their true humanity as part of God’s missional community as it seeks to embody and reflect God’s character to and for the World.

Missional preaching centers around God’s call to insiders to realign themselves to the ways of God and God’s call to outsiders to align themselves to the ways of God. In other words, the outcome of missional preaching is conversion. The Bible seeks to convert women and men to God’s mission. This involves the triad of mission, holiness, and community.