
Reasons for Bible Translation: The Bible

The way in which the Bible is written shows that translation is permissible – but we can’t say more than that.


Some Quotes on Globalisation

This new situation also has consequences for how we think about mission. The most obvious is that mission is no longer a Western monopoly or privilege.

Bible Translation in History

Mission, Colonialism and the Imperative of Translation

The current research has challenged the standard accusation against Christian mission according to which it constituted “colonization of the mind.” Similarly, the accusation that missionaries served as agents of “cultural imperialism” has been subjected to critique.


Readings in Mission and World Christianity

Books that any student of mission studies or world Christianity must read.


Posts from the Past: The Homeless Gospel

You cannot impose a language or cultural standards (dress, music, use of time) on people saying that this is Christian language or culture. There is no such thing – the Christian faith simply does not work that way.

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Posts from the Past: Why I think Bible Translation is Important

This one goes back to March 2006. I’d write something rather different today, but there is some interesting thoughts here. This is a rough piece of work that I vaguely hope will become the basis for my MTh thesis. I’m putting it out in public view now so that I can get feedback and ideas […]


Books I Have Read: Christianity – The Biography

There is no doubt about it, Christianity the Biography is the best short, one-volume history of the Church that I have read. I have no hesitation in suggesting that you go out and buy it. However, I do have some questions about whether or not it succeeds in achieving what it sets out to do.


Books I Have Read: Early Christian Mission Volume 1

A short and rather inadequate review of a big and rather excellent book, with another volume to come.

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Throwback Thursday: Why Bible Translation Is Important

The incarnation of Christ not only provides for the possibility of translation, it also provides our model. In becoming a man and leaving heaven for the earth, Jesus made a cross-cultural journey which is beyond human imagining. Our calling to cross boundaries with the gospel is not rooted in finding efficient communication methods (though we want to be efficient) but in the fact that he did it first.


Books I Have Read: Summoned From the Margin

An excellent and thought provoking autobiography that is well worth a read.