
What If Agencies Took The Missio Dei Seriously?

This post raises the important question of what should drive us in our mission; what we find to be practical, or what we believe about God and the way he is at work?


What is Missio Dei?

A good quote with a little bit of reflection by me.


Tennent on Missio Dei

If we are honest, we must recognize that much of our missionary activity is overly preoccupied with human plans and institutionally driven strategies built largely upon the foundation of the social sciences.


“Completing the Task” and missio Dei

Therefore, even when every person has had an opportunity to hear the gospel, or even if a church is planted in every people group of the world, missions will not be over.


Missio Dei: The Mission of God

The Trinitarian focus of missio Dei, combined with the focus on the Kingdom of God rescues the church from simply becoming an agent for social and economic change on the one hand or fundamentalism on the other and provides a framework for mission in which the false dichotomy between social action and evangelism in mission […]

Mission Agency Futures

The Best Thing For the British Mission Movement

The best thing that could happen for the British mission movement is for one or two high profile agencies to go bankrupt.


The Mission of God: Background

Mission is often defined in terms of what people do. This video shows that this approach is inadequate and, instead, frames mission in terms of the activities of the Triune God throughout Scripture.


Mission Is: Fivefold

In the previous post in this series, I included a quote from Hannes Wiher, who reviewed the way in which different scholars see mission starting at different points in the Biblical narrative. I then wrote the following: For my part, I would argue that mission starts at the creation narrative in the book of Genesis. […]


When Should You Start A Mission Agency?

Last week, I reposted something I wrote on reasons to close your mission agency. Not unreasonably, a commentator asked: In follow up, is the alternative question When should a new mission agency be established? This post is an attempt to provide some answers to this question; though it can hardly claim to be definitive. The […]


Books I Have Read: Why Mission?

The New Testament envisions no role for spectators. A missional reading of scripture, then seeks to bring about not only a clearer understand of scripture but also a better grasp of what it means to live as a missional people today.