
The Mission of God: Background

Mission is often defined in terms of what people do. This video shows that this approach is inadequate and, instead, frames mission in terms of the activities of the Triune God throughout Scripture.

A while ago, I was asked to give a couple of lectures on the missio Dei or mission of God for an agency training event. Given the current circumstances, I ended up having to deliver the lectures as recorded videos.

This first video takes a 30 minute look at the whole biblical narrative in order to set about describing what mission actually is. While this may seem a little dull to some, it lays important groundwork for the follow up which looks at some of the practical implications of this teaching.

As always with my videos, you can choose to listen to them as a podcast, which has the added advantage of not having to look at me! If you subscribe to the podcast using the links at the bottom of the page, you won’t miss an episode. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel.

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