Do Not Use

Don’t let your left foot know what your right foot is doing…

I’ve had a bad week with things going wrong! As Sue mentioned in her last post, I left my wallet in a friend’s car last week. It was returned with the contents intact, but by then all of our credit cards had been cancelled just in case. Now, Amazon, our ISP and all of the other people who bill us by credit card are starting to complain that they haven’t got their money. Humph. Less seriously, I left my watch in the gym this morning and had to run back to get it. The gym isn’t too far away, so it wasn’t a great hassle – except that the gym is up a slight hill. I normally run home from there, but I studiously avoid running up the incline. My knees hurt now.

More seriously, we are having big problems with our home desktop computer. Yesterday afternoon it started refusing to print and spurned all of my blandishments to get it to do as it was told. Now it refuses even to boot up. I’ve ordered a cheap network print server to deal with the print issue, but now I have to get all of the information off the hard disk (was it backed up? I hear you ask…. “no”, comes the embarassed reply. Like all people keen on computers I spend ages getting other people to back up their machines and rarely do it myself. Actually, the machine that just died was the one that Sue and I back up our data onto!).

Less seriously, but more embarassingly (and hence the title of this post) was the state I found myself in last night when Sue and I went into Southampton to be part of a ‘grill a christian’ session at Above Bar Church. The picture tells the whole story!

Eddies Feet.jpg