Bible Translation

Bible Translation Blogs

I’ve just spent a few minutes reordering the links section (in the left hand side bar). I’ve included a section on Bible Translation Blogs; this includes a couple of blogs specifically related to Bible translation and by Bible translators and others by people working to support Bible translation around the world.

While I was using Google to look for blogs on Bible translation to add to the list, I came across very few links to people blogging on translation for minority languages, but tons and tons of sites seeking to push one English translation over and above others. Look folks, at the risk of becoming boring, there are 270,000,000 people who don’t have a single  Bible in their language and no one doing any translation. Let’s get our priorities sorted, shall we?

One reply on “Bible Translation Blogs”

I’ve updated my blogroll so that it only shows Wycliffe and Bible related ones, as the other one was getting too long. I’ve put on some that you had and I didn’t. You might like to see if I’ve got some you haven’t.

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